Monday, February 13, 2012

Briana Bolton - Interview

Briana Bolton

My Mental Management Story

Describe your first pageant experience.

My first pageant experience was exactly that… “a first”. I can honestly compare it to a baby when he or she learns to walk. There was a lot of stumbling, uncertainty, excitement and (of course) disappointment. I walked into the pageant world and went straight for the big one, Miss Texas Teen USA! Let’s just say I jumped head first… but I learned how to swim at the end. I was unhappy with the outcome of the pageant (my placement/not placing), but it taught me that anything worth having is worth fighting for. My first pageant experience was the reason I sought for help and found Heather Sumlin of the Mental Management system.

How have you used Mental Management in your training?

Mental Management was my only pageant training for many years. It has changed the way I look at competition, prepare and focus. It taught me how to rebound, how to focus during competition time and so much more. The interview training has been absolutely excellent. It put me at a level where I excel during interview and make a strong, connection with the judges.

What Mental Management program did you attends?

I attended several Mental Management programs! So many I can’t count. But beyond the programs, the private sessions with Heather are remarkable. The private sessions can help you strengthen your weakness and even increase your strengths more.

Do you have a favorite “Mental Management” quote, story, book, etc.?

My favorite Mental Management book is With Winning In Mind by Lanny Basham. The book leads you into the “before”, “during” and “after” parts of competition. It teaches you principles to apply to pageant and other competitive sports.

Can you share a personal story of how you’ve used Mental Management?

I’ve used Mental Management since 2008, almost immediately after my first pageant. I competed in National American Miss Texas Teen and I was first runner up. I also placed in several other NAMiss state competitions. Later that year I returned to Miss Texas Teen USA. I won swimsuit, Miss Congeniality and placed 2nd Runner Up. The following summer, I competed in National American Miss Texas Teen again and I won crown their Miss Texas Teen. I also placed in various additional NAMiss state competitions. The Mental Management training was an instant change. I saw improvement immediately after diligently training with Mental Management.

How has Mental Management helped you outside of Pageantry?

It has given me an understanding of what preparation is, how to train for a task and how to “be” during a task. It is the mathematics to your pageant problem, which can be applied universally to any form of competition or mentally strenuous task. P=MM2 Pageant= Mental Management squared. The more I used it, the better I became in pageantry and other tasks I applied it to.

What is the best advice you can give to a new competitor?

Use Mental Management! It is your first pageant or you are still suffering from pageant jitters. You probably have a general idea of how things are, but you need to have someone one with extensive knowledge of this industry. Go to HEATHER! Go!!! And after you go to her, apply what she has taught you. Application of new concepts is the key to succeeding when you want to go to the next level.

What surprised you most about competing at your state and/or National pageant?

I’ve competed at state and national levels. I think what surprised me was the level of talent. Everyone was just as smart, accomplished, beautiful, and well dressed! Everybody looks glamorous. But what I learned was the separation factor. What separates the 90% from the 10% (contestants who placed) had to do with preparation and how they handled the pressure. That’s where Mental Management comes in!

Share your most embarrassing “Pageant Moment” and how you overcame it.

My most embarrassing pageant moment … uhh do we have to go there!!! Honestly I have plenty of embarrassing moments. But my most embarrassing moment was when I spilt my makeup all over my swimsuit, with less than 2 minutes before walking on stage for swimsuit competition at Miss Dallas USA. I tried to wipe it off. The chaperone tried to wipe it off. I even asked if anyone had a backup swimsuit. We used soap, water, paper towels and tide pens! But the stain did not come off. So with only seconds left, I took my sash and two safety pins. I pinned the sash on my swimsuit over the stain, slapped on some butt glue and walked out like nothing was wrong. I still placed :) …talk about Mental Management!

Can you share any good “back stage” stories?

My all time favorite “back stage” story comes from my first pageant (lol the one I didn’t win or place). Right before we went on at Miss Texas Teen USA, the choreographer comes out and tells us directions, words of encouragement etc. Then his assistant comes by. Her name was Felicia. She says something like this (paraphrased): Everyone be quiet; we are going to pray. For those of you who don’t pray just be quiet to respect those who do.

Her prayer touched my heart. I still say it to this day during competition and training. Her prayer went something like this (paraphrased): There will only be one winner who will wear the crown of Miss Texas Teen tonight. Lord, help us to be happy for her and to have the right spirits when she wins. But Lord the most important crown, bigger and better than any crown is “your crown of Glory”.

It helped me to realize there are bigger, better, more victories beyond pageants. Yes this is a goal of mine. Yes this is my heart’s desire. But if I don’t win, let me honor the person who did.

Compare your “pre-Mental Management self” with your “current self.” What do you see as the most significant change?

Myself now can run circles around who I was pre-Mental Management. I am more confident. I am more assertive. I am more focused than I’ve ever been before. And what’s so wonderful is that I’m happy and not stressed out during/before/after competition. There is no stress. I walk more freely, because I know that my foundation through Mental Management and God are strong. I no longer worry about the outcome of the pageant and I simply focus on the process. I can honestly say I am doing my very best work, with less effort than ever before. That doesn’t mean I don’t work hard…because there is sacrifice (ask the cheesecake I haven’t touched in 5 weeks). But it means that as a competitor, I have more assurance in myself, my abilities and everything else is NOT in my control. God has blessed me with peace of mind when I compete so it’s just fun! I am certain that my preparation with Mental Management has put me at my best level possible.

What is next for you?

I plan on traveling the world soon and pursing my career in Broadcast Journalism. As for pageants they are not on the back burner. I plan on competing still. Pageantry is my passion!

(Briana has attended private training with Heather Sumlin as well as Interview workshops and the Mental Toughness for Pageantry 1 day workshop with Heather Sumlin and Shilah Phillips, Miss Texas America 2006 - for more information on Mental Management training for pageantry please email or call 972-899-9640)