Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Am

One thing I like to challenge people to do when I work with them is take the time to get to know yourself. I think we walk through life everyday and we meet people, we get to know others but how often do we actually take the time to sit alone and soul search? I know I spend much more time as a Mom focusing on the needs of others and not truly goal setting or soul searching for what I want for myself. This hit home for me 2 years ago when I read an assignment my son had done in school.

The teacher gave the first 2 words of several sentences and the kids filled in the sentence - the sentences began: I am, I wonder, I see, I hear. I learned so much about my son through that exercise and I pass it on to my students today. Below are his answers - (he was 9 when he wrote this and I haven't changed his words).

I Am by Austin Bassham/Sumlin

I am a very nice person who cares a lot about my parents.

I wonder why people have dreams about different things.

I hear people call for my help when they need me to zip their backpack or something like that.

I see people with no money, no homes, no anything on the news.

I want those people to earn a home and have happy lives.

I am a person who does not want anything bad to happen to anybody on earth.

I pretend I am not sad when I am.

I feel sorry about those people out there who have no homes at all.

I touch the keys on my piano and play what I can.

I worry that endangered species of animal such as the tiger will go extinct.

I cry when an eagle gets a broken wing and doesn't go to a vet.

I am a person who cares for every living thing in existence.

I understand that some people are mad at the world for something.

I say that someday I will become an inventor and invent something that will help those people.

I dream that weird things happen and I have to find out what is happening.

I try to remember to help those people.

I hope that in the future people will have better lives than before.

I am also a person who prays to God.

Post written by Heather Sumlin
Director of Customer Relations
Instructor for Pageant and Stage Performers

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